Cross Program H&M

This is one of the best projects that I have done and learned at Hyper Island, here we hade a brief from H&M where we need it to deliver in 48 hours. In this project I have worked for the first time with different people from different programs at Hyper. And our idea was one of the winning ideas.

After, I have personally followed up with H&M, which has lead me to having a pitch session with 9 members of their Global team. We are now checking with them if it is feasible to actually implement.

In this projects I have accomplished all the goals. I have gained skills how to work and build teams and deliver ideas on time.

Team Work Process:
  1. POD (Point of departure)
  2. Research
  3. Ideation
  4. Brain dumping on post-its -> cluster process -> "Elevator pitch" our ideas -> Prioritiazation matrix

Follow up with H&M

This is my individual work that is going right now also with H&M. I had several meetings and I had pitched my idea in front of 9 people from H&M, now I am waiting to see what they think but my plan is to move one with the idea and build it during my personal project module for Hyper Island.

From this project, I have learned a lot about how to work with different stakeholders on how to work in Design Sprints and how to present and do research on how to do a pitch deck and how to design.

Prototype Figma
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